Thursday 31 March 2011

A crazy little thing called love.

After having my first heart break...

It's really gotten me thinking about what I believe love is.

One of my friends said something pretty wise to me on the weekend... I told her my love story.
She said to me... "I think that some people have many great loves in their lives, and each is different to the next. Each love teaches you something about yourself and about the world, that you couldn't possibly learn from anyone else. But I also believe that there are 'once-in-a-lifetime' loves.. the ones you never really get over, and the ones that you're scared to bump into in case you see them looking at their new love the way they used to look at you".

.. It's a bit of a funny thing really...

it kind of reminds me of that saying... better to have loved & lost, than never to have loved at all.. or something along those lines.

 I think I'll put it down to experience :)

My daily inspiration

Welcome. To my world..!

So I suppose here's to a new beginning!

I originally started a blog about a year and a half ago, but after one post I kind of lost the time to do anything...

But it has been a tough couple of months, and I am feeling the grind of my business degree, and I am currently lacking a creative outlet. So I thought this might be a good way to release some of my thoughts/feelings and display some of the photos I take (and find) of the inspiration in my world.


Love, Rang.