Thursday, 10 May 2012

- The person who cares the least has the most power -

I rarely feel the need to re-post articles, but after listening to the never-ending relationship problems that my straight girlfriends / guyfriends and gay friends have, as well as trying to understand my own dealings with men, I found these two articles (and comments) to be extremely interesting.

I have always been the girl who listens to all their friends problems and call them out on their shit. If a friend of mine is being treated like shit and allowing herself to be I sure as hell don't beat around the bush about it... I'll tell her how it is.

It's funny though, that when the shoe is on the other foot, I find it far more difficult.

Seriously... read this article:

'The Problem with girls, highlighted by girls'

Then read this one:
'The problem with Boys'

As a woman who 100% believes in equality and who is disgusted by men who say things like "that's pretty good.. for a girl", or "It's a guy thing", I have always felt the need to prove men wrong. So much so that I have on my 'bucket list' things like, how to rebuild a car engine, and I have managed to teach myself  how to change the oil in an engine. I have done some considerable damage learning how to wakeboard and managed to ride a quad bike off a cliff whilst trying to do a 'push-hill-start' at the age of 11.

This determination to try everything has also enabled me to break every limb, both wrists, 3 fingers and given a couple of black eyes. #Whosaidlearningisn'tfun?

I honestly believe that men who treat girls like shit have a greater problem, often stemming from their desire to stop themselves getting hurt again. Men act like stupid boys and have this 'pack mentality' and all too often women allow themselves to be walked all over because they are psychologically manipulated into believing that a guy really likes her.

The quote that I particularly like in the comments section is

- The person who cares the least has the most power -

To be honest I have this argument with girls and guys far too often.  When you are in a relationship with someone you should have equal power, but dating/sleeping with someone is completely different... and I have thought about this so many times. The less I care about a guy, the harder they try. The more I care about a guy, the less they try.

I'm not really sure how I feel about this to be honest.

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